8 - Surface finishing technologies adapted for 3D printing mechanical components. Multi Process post processing treatment of high value additive manufacturing components
Surface finishing technologies have a strategic role in the industrial development of additive manufacturing technologies. Indeed, surface finishing can significantly improve the performance of components produced by 3D processes, in terms of corrosion resistance, fatigue resistance, assembly precision, component cleanliness, reduced friction coefficient, improved load-bearing capacity, etc. .... Nevertheless, the choice of technologies, the various parameters and finishing ranges is highly complex, and it is essential to have a precise understanding of the role and positioning of existing finishing technologies in order to implement technologies, and ranges that are adapted to the technical, the economic and the industrial criteria of each specific applications. The aim of this presentation is to provide an overview of existing finishing solutions at different stages of industrial maturity, as well as specific recommendations for applications involving the additive manufacturing of high technical components. To achieve this, the presentation will be divided into three main sections: First: Overview and classification of surface finishing technologies Second: Focus on relevant technological innovations, from specific shot-peening technologies to mass finishing and electropolishing methods. Third: Presentation of 2 to 3 industrial case studies, for different sector such as medical devices, aeronautics components and luxury brands.

Martin Jay
Discover speaker profilePOLITECHNO, Bonson, France
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8 - Surface finishing technologies adapted for 3D printing mechanical components. Multi Process post processing treatment of high value additive manufacturing components
11:45 am -12:05 pm
Room 8