Martin Jay
Martin Jay trained as an engineer at the Ecole Nationale d' Ingénieur de Saint Etienne (ENISE), specializing in manufacturing processes. He has nearly 10 years of experience as technical engineer at the CETIM technical center for mechanical industries, where he developed a technology transfer activity for machining technologies, non-conventional machining such as precision electrochemical machining and surface finishing solutions. In 2021, he creates the company POLITECHNO, specialized in surface finishing for high value activities, such as luxury, medical and aeronautics, where the aim is to offer to manufacturers a global support in the choice and parameters of finishing technologies, from the technical feasibility and specifications steps, up to the industrialization phases, monitoring of production and industrial supplies. In addition to this activity within his company POLITECHNO, he is also an editorial advisor for LES TECHNIQUES DE L’INGENIEUR. In charge of the "abrasion and physico-chemical processes" section, with the aim of structuring a complete documentary base by integrating different authors and technical and scientific articles
POLITECHNO, Bonson, France
See LinkedIn profileSession
11:45 am -12:05 pm
Room 8