Nina Lassalle-Astis
Nina Lassalle-Astis graduated from Télécom Physique Strasbourg engineering school and a M.Sc. degree in Automatics and Robotics in 2021 from Strasbourg University. The following year, she completed an alternated training between CETIM Sud-Ouest (CSO) and IAE University Schools of Management as part of a M.iM. degree. She worked on computer vision to develop algorithms to detect and segment defects on mechanical parts using deep learning neural networks. In the late 2022, she was hired by CSO as an engineer. She is currently working full-time as a PhD student at the Image and Sound department of LaBRI (Laboratoire Bordelais de Recherche en Informatique) in Bordeaux on the development of a hybrid data augmentation methodology for its application to supervised defect detection in X-ray tomography. The work published here concerns the first year of her PhD. Her research interests are non-destructive techniques, image processing and deep learning neural networks.
CETIM Sud-Ouest, Pau, France / LaBRI, Talence, France
See LinkedIn profileSession
31 - Sinogram-based data augmentation to automate the non-destructive control of mechanical partsDate/Time
11:55 am -12:15 pm
Room 6