82 - From R&D to Mass Production with the HP Metal Jet S100 Rocío Muñoz
HP Metal Jet technology is currently disrupting manufacturing and accelerating mass production of 3D-printed parts. Metal Jet S100 excellent balance between part quality and productivity rates are also complemented with sustainable efforts of minimizing the used resources, which empowers the R&D investigations to bridge to production. This will involve a technical review of the binder jet fundamentals reinforced by HP key advantage assets founded in the latex binders and printheads. In particular, powder properties, green and sintered microstructures, together with final parts performance derived from their macroproperties will be described. Moreover, powder consumption reduction has been confirmed by the development of a novel functionality utilizing a cutting-edge closed-loop algorithm in conjunction with a computer vision system within the printer chamber, which also facilitates the extraction of essential powder metrics. This print mode that minimizes powder loading is of great value when powder production constraints, powder elevated costs and, overall, it is highlighted thanks to the ensurance of efficient sustainable processes. Finally, as use demonstrator, application success cases will be presented.

Rocío Muñoz Moreno
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82 - From R&D to Mass Production with the HP Metal Jet S100 Rocío Muñoz
5:25 pm -5:45 pm
Room 6