69 - Contribution of TEM to the study of metals processed by additive manufacturing
The development of metal additive manufacturing is accompanied by a strong interest in the microstructures obtained by these types of processes. Indeed, the processing conditions (in particular high cooling rates) lead to the formation of very fine microstructures, with nano-precipitates, chemical segregations and dislocation structures on the sub-micrometric scale, which strongly affects properties. The scale of these microstructures often makes characterization by TEM (Transmission Electron Microscope) necessary but as the microstructures are often specific to additive manufacturing, it also challenges the ways of characterizing materials by TEM. This work presents an overview of TEM characterizations on microstructures obtained by additive manufacturing, with a particular attention given to the coupling between orientation and phase mapping by ACOM/ASTAR and chemical mapping by EDX. This allows preforming high-throughput identification of phases in the microstructures investigated. Examples on nickel-based superalloys, aluminium alloys and stainless steels will be given. Perspectives on potential development of TEM characterization techniques for additive manufacturing will also be discussed.

Arthur Despres
Discover speaker profileGrenoble INP - Laboratoire SIMaP, Grenoble, France
69 - Contribution of TEM to the study of metals processed by additive manufacturing
12:05 pm -12:25 pm
Room 7