66 - New generation of high-performance metal powders designed for AM
The combination of Additive Manufacturing design freedom and a new generation of high-performance metal powders offers a great opportunity to achieve an industrial leap regarding performance, decarbonization, cost, … While conventional alloys such as 718 superalloy or 316L stainless steel have been successfully used to build complex parts in AM, applications with higher service temperatures or higher mechanical properties require the development of alloys with increased capability. At Aubert & Duval our creative force is to develop alloys and we have been developing our alloy portfolio: Stellar X15TN combining high corrosion resistance and high hardness Stellar InvHard combining low thermal expansion and high strength Innovative High Temperature Superalloys with increased temperature capability up to 1000°C These alloys have been specially developed for AM processes: free from crack during AM process or during heat treatment along with an original combination of properties. Materials performance and case studies will be presented.

Solange Vives
Discover speaker profileAubert&Duval, Paris, France
See LinkedIn profileConference
66 - New generation of high-performance metal powders designed for AM
4:25 pm -4:45 pm
Room 7