23 - Binder Jetting process Sustainablity: Powder Managemente
Binder Jetting Additive Manufacturing is renowned for its high powder reusability ratio, reaching near 100% for certain alloys. This technology offers an advantage over thermal-based methods, such as laser or electron beam, which can alter the surrounding powder particles characteristics (partial sintering, microstructure, oxidation,…), reducing the reusability ratio. The objective of this work is to investigate the feasibility and impact of reusing powder from the powder bed and from rejected green parts, aiming to achieve zero waste and maximize the utilization of metallic powders. This work includes two different studies: the first one related to the evaluation of the effect of reusing the 316L powder remaining in the printbox which does not become part of the printed samples. The study evaluated the quality of this powders during a number of printing and curing cycles, simulating large size production lots. The second study evaluates the effect of reusing 17-4PH powder from rejected green parts that underwent a series of processes including debinding, sieving, characterization, and subsequent mixing with virgin powder at various proportions. Different physical and chemical analysis were performed: the evolution of the particle size, particle size distribution, flowability and chemical composition. It was found that no relevant changes were found for any of the two powders (316L and 17-4PH) In addition, further sintering tests with the recycled powder gave place to good densities and typical microstructures compared to parts obtained with virgin powder. These findings highlight the potential of implementing a closed-loop system that maximizes powder reusability and minimizes material waste increasing the process sustainability and addressing the circular economy.

Iñigo Agote
Discover speaker profileTECNALIA, San Sebastián, Spain
See LinkedIn profileConference
23 - Binder Jetting process Sustainablity: Powder Managemente
2:20 pm -2:50 pm
Room 6