16 - Printability of Titanium Alloy Ti64 by Additive Friction Stir Deposition: Study of process-microstructure-macroscopic properties
The research aims to explore the potential of Additive Friction Stir Deposition (AFSD) technology for Ti64 alloy, focusing on its impact on microstructure and mechanical properties. AFSD has emerged as a promising additive manufacturing technique, offering defect-free and homogeneous microstructures with reduced thermal gradients and residual stresses. While AFSD has been extensively studied for Al-based alloys, research on Ti-based alloys remains limited. In the present study, AFSD (MELD Technology) was used with a set of process parameters to build a block with the following dimensions: 250mm×30mm×80 mm. The microstructures and mechanical properties were investigated in details across different locations of deposition planes. Parallel bands of non-uniform thickness were observed across the build direction. The microstructural features were characterized using the α lath thickness and prior β grain size. The analysis revealed a homogenous microstructure with a change in prior β grain size along the building direction. The occurrence of high-angle grain boundaries (HAGB) as observed in Electron Back Scattering Diffraction (EBSD) analysis is indicative of dynamic recrystallization (DRX), where these boundaries play a critical role in the material's microstructural evolution and consequent mechanical properties. Mechanical properties were evaluated through microhardness measurements and tensile tests along with Digital Image Correlation (DIC) conducted at different orientations. Strain Field Measurements showed consistent high degree of homogeneity with regard to strain concentration.

Ismail Zabeeullah Kolimi
Discover speaker profileUniversité de technologie de Compiègne,CNRS, Roberval (Mechanics Energy and Electricity), Compiegne, France
See LinkedIn profileConference
16 - Printability of Titanium Alloy Ti64 by Additive Friction Stir Deposition: Study of process-microstructure-macroscopic properties
10:45 am -11:05 am
Room 7