Marion Coffigniez
Marion Coffigniez currently works as a temporary teaching and research associate for the Phelma engineering school and SIMaP laboratory in Grenoble. She completed her PhD with Xavier Boulnat and Laurent Gremillard at Mateis laboratory, where her work focused on the additive manufacturing of architectured biomaterials by direct-ink writing. This sintering-assissted process has led her to address aspects of rheology as well as diffusion, oxidation and embrittlement by interstitials as she was working on two reactive materials: Ti64 and Mg. Following her PhD, she went on to work on titanium alloys, but this time on beta-metasatable ones, by joining in september 2021 Pascal Jacques' team at UCLouvain for a two-year post-doc. Her work there involved both alloy design as part of a project with the European Space Agency, and damage characterization in parts produced by laser powder bed fusion during both static and cyclic loadings. After these two years, she finally joined SIMaP laboratory, where she investigates the feasibility of Metal Extrusion additive manufacturing of 6061 aluminium parts. The aim is to find a debinding & sintering strategy that maximizes densification after extrusion.
- Université Grenoble Alpes, Saint-Martin d'Hères, France