Iñigo Agote
Dr. Iñigo Agote Graduate in Chemistry from the University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU in 1995 and PhD in Chemical Sciences from the University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU in 2001. Senior researcher with more than 25 years of experience. He works in the Business Area of Manufacturing Processes and Materials where he has worked as Project Manager and as head of the Technology Platform for Materials Extreme for Conditions. During these years he has participated in and corrodinated a significant number of R&D projects both nationally and internationally. He has specialised in the manufacture and development of powder metallurgical and ceramic processes;including sinter based Additive Manufacturing processes (binder Jetting, Extrusion of materials and DLP) for both metallic and ceramic materials and other near shape processes such as powder injection moulding. He has also worked on process optimisation, yield improvements and the design of innovative solutions and is the author of 3 industrial patents. Author of more than 30 national and international publications in indexed scientific journals. Director of two Doctoral Theses. He is a member of the SHS-AS International Association of the EPMA (European Powder Metallurgy Association) and in particular of the EAMG (European Additive Manufacturing Group). He also participates in different committees: International Technical Committee of the International Symposium on Self-Propagating High Temperature Synthesis. Evaluator of scientific articles in different international journals: Journal of Materials, Intermetallics, Journal of European Ceramics, and evaluator of the ANEP (Agencia Nacional de Evaluación y Prospectiva) and external evaluator of European projects for the European Commission.
- TECNALIA, San Sebastián, Spain