Simon Essongue
Simon Essongue hold an engineering degree from Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Arts et Métiers (ENSAM) as well as a master of research in materials science (Material and Engineering Sciences in Paris: MAGIS). He received a PhD from University of Bordeaux in computational mechanics in 2017. He has been working in the field of computational mechanics ever since, both in academia and in the industry. He was mostly involved in damage/fracture/impact mechanics and enriched finite element formulations. He began to work on AM in September 2021 through a postdoctoral contract at “Institut de Mécanique et d’Ingénierie” laboratory (I2M) focusing on geometric distortions of EBM parts. This is where the idea of using explicit schemes to solve AM thermal problems emerged, and proved successful. He was then appointed associate professor at the university of Bordeaux in September 2022 and joined the “Matériaux Procédés Intéractions” (MPI) team of I2M. He teaches manufacturing processes and carries out research in numerical modelling of manufacturing processes.
Université de Bordeaux, Talence, France / Institut de mécanique et d'ingénierie - I2M, Talence, France
12:15 pm -12:35 pm
Room 8