Salima Boualouache
Presently in the second year of her PhD at the Université de Technologie Belfort-Montbéliard, in the ICB-PMDM laboratory, Salima BENRABAH is continuing her research under the supervision of Cécile LANGLADE on the thesis project entitled "Study of the formation mechanisms of oxide nanoprecipitates in 316 L stainless steel produced by rapid solidification processes: gas atomization and Laser Powder Bed Fusion (L-PBF) / effect on impact toughness". Her work focuses on characterizing the oxidation of powders produced by gas atomization and materials designed by additive manufacturing (L-PBF), and their impact on the mechanical properties as impact toughness. Since her internship at ASCOMETAL (R&D) as part of the “Advanced Metallurgy Franco-German partnership” master’s program in Nancy, Salima has taken a close interest in the correlation between the microstructure and fracture behavior of metallic materials. She has always been fascinated by the characterization of metals and, more recently, has developed a keen interest in additive manufacturing processes.
University of technology Belfort-Montbéliard, Sevenans, France