Laurane Preumont
Laurane works on fast modelling of residual stress for additive manufacturing. Together with her supervisor Daniel Weisz-Patrault, her PhD work aims at applying multiparticular model reduction approach to bead-based processes like metal DED AM, FDM or concrete printing. Currently kick-starting her third year, she plans on implementing optimization loops to harvest the potential of the fast QuadWire model developped so far, in partnership with Grégoire Allaire at CMAP lab. This research is funded by a CNRS grant at the Solid Mechanics Laboratory of Ecole Polytechnique in Palaiseau, France.
LMS, CNRS, École Polytechnique, Institut Polytechnique de Paris, Palaiseau, France
See LinkedIn profileSession
5:40 pm -6:00 pm
Room 8