74 - Effects of heat treatment on the microstructure and mechanical performance of an additively manufactured AlSi7Mg alloy
Laser powder bed fusion (LPBF) is an additive manufacturing technique that is becoming increasingly popular due to the flexibility in component design that it allows and also the large range of materials that can be manufactured via it. Parts produced by LPBF tend to have a fine microstructure due to the rapid cooling of the molten material. These parts display high strength at the cost of ductility. One solution to improve the ductility of these components is to perform heat treatment. AlSi7Mg has recently been added to the list of materials that can be manufacturing via LPBF. This alloy can be subjected to a T6 heat treatment, involving solutionising and artificial aging, to improve ductiliy. Part of the complexity surrounding the T6 heat treatment is optimising aging time and solutionising and aging temperatures to improve mechanical performance. This work investigates the effect of varying the heat treatment parameters on the microstructure and mechanical properties of an additively manufactured AlSi7Mg. Different temperatures and/or times for the solutionising and aging treatments are investigated in order to determine the optimum heat treatment protocol for that alloy. The mechanical performance is evaluated on the different heat-treated specimens by performing hardness, tensile and Charpy tests. The microstructure of each specimen is characterised using scanning and transmission electron microscopy, electron backscatter diffraction and transmission Kikuchi diffraction.

Gwenaelle Proust
Discover speaker profileThe University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia
See LinkedIn profileConference
74 - Effects of heat treatment on the microstructure and mechanical performance of an additively manufactured AlSi7Mg alloy
2:30 pm -3:00 pm
Room 6