37 - Experimental study on the mechanical post-treatments applied on 17-4PH stainless steel additively manufactured parts.
Material extrusion (MEX) is emerging as a user-friendly and promising metal additive manufacturing technique for various industrial applications. There are several types of MEX techniques that can be categorized based on the type of extruder: plunger-based, screw-based and filament-based MEX [1]. In 2017, a new MEX technique that combines fused filament fabrication (FFF) and metal injection molding (MIM) was commercialized by Markforged under the name of "Atomic Diffusion Additive Manufacturing" (ADAM). This MEX process is composed of three key stages: printing, washing, and sintering. This study aims to optimize the time of several mechanical post-treatments applied on 17-4PH stainless steel MEX-ed parts, namely, sandblasting, tribo-finishing, and sandblasting followed by tribo-finishing (i.e. duplex). The results demonstrate that the best tribo-finishing time is 3 h and 1 h 30 min for the tribo-finishing and duplex treatment, respectively. Additionally, six sandblasting passes on the upper face and three on the lower one were sufficient to attain a somehow uniform roughness between the upper and lower surfaces. Tension-compression ( R=-1) fatigue tests with a stress amplitude of 350 MPa were performed on the untreated specimens and parts post-treated with an optimal time. [1] J. Gonzalez-Gutierrez, S. Cano, S. Schuschnigg, C. Kukla, J. Sapkota, and C. Holzer, “Additive manufacturing of metallic and ceramic components by the material extrusion of highly-filled polymers: A review and future perspectives”, Materials, vol. 11, no. 5, p. 840, 2018.

Mahmoud Naim
Discover speaker profileUniversité de technologie de Troyes (UTT), Troyes, France / Ecole polytechnique féminine (EPF), Troyes, France
See LinkedIn profileConference
37 - Experimental study on the mechanical post-treatments applied on 17-4PH stainless steel additively manufactured parts.
5:20 pm -5:40 pm
Room 7