Zixuan Li
Zixuan LI Ph.D. candidate CEMEF, Mines Paris, PSL Research University Lizixuan624@gmail.com Zixuan LI is in his first-year doctoral program at CEMEF (Centre de mise en forme des matériaux), Mines Paris, PSL Research University majoring in Materials and Numerical Mechanics. His research focuses on the mechanical behavior of printed tracks during L-PBF (laser powder bed fusion) process, which involves the morphology of the melting pool and the characterization of grain structure around the mushy zone. His project aims at making a deep understanding of hot tearing during fabrication process through combining the grain structure and anisotropic mechanical behavior, to increase the maturity and industrial exploitation of additive manufacturing. Zixuan LI’s thesis is selected within the GIS (Grouping of Scientific Interest) HEAD (High Energies in Additive Manufacturing) consortium framework. Prior to arriving at Mines Paris, PSL university, he holds a bachelor's and master’s degree from Shanghai Jiao Tong University, both in computational mechanic’s field. He has participated in the development of finite volume and (discontinuous) finite element programs and has a good understanding of numerical calculation methods. These formative experiences laid the foundation for his current research endeavors. He looks forward to completing his Ph.D. and continuing his research trajectory. He is driven by a passion for computational mechanics and remains steadfast in his pursuit of academic excellence and the quest for knowledge.
Mine Paris, Sophia Antipolis, France
6:00 pm -6:20 pm
Room 8