National Unity: action in R&D in coherence with initiatives in the territories
This event will make it possible to pool resources and the skills to overcome technological barriers, provide manufacturers with valuable knowledge at the academic level and thus multiply actionable results thanks to networking with leading researchers on industrial transfer. This national unity action will provide more visibility and weight to the research and industrial innovations in the French Additive Manufacturing landscape, resulting in more innovative companies and a strong and competitive metal Additive Manufacturing sector at the international level.
« France has assets, but to materialize this potential into success, it is necessary to pool the efforts of research together. Metal additive manufacturing takes its roots in mechanical technologies (metallurgy, heat treatment, welding, etc.) and represents an active sector with manufacturers of machines, parts, surface treatment, etc. These initiatives need to be coordinated, while respecting their own independent dynamics. »
Philippe Lubineau, Research Program Director at Cetim
→ Launching high-impact projects that meet the needs of industrials across the territory.
The key players and the various research platforms in France are in permanent contact with the manufacturers to provide them with actionable knowledge academia. Industrials, spanning small, medium and large companies, have grouped into research networks, proof that there is a tangible interest and expectations from them to accelerate research efforts, optimize investments as well as increase the exchange of knowledge. The strategy is to leverage all the benefits of this new technology while reducing the R&D risks.
→ Coordinate, exchange, share progress.
This initiative is not intended to create an additional structure, but rather to create gateways that facilitate access to technology, to develop collaborative roadmaps and thus avoid redundancies, and to promote synergies. All actors that take part in this initiative will benefit from increased exchanges between the various research players in France and benchmark their work and roadmaps.
→ Optimize investments and multiply the results.
Far beyond a simple exchange of knowledge, this action will allow a pooling of material resources and of human skills enabling this synergy to greatly multiply each actor’s return on investment and results. The management committees will be regular coordination points on the studies performed and investments to be made, in compliance with the necessary diversity of regional dynamics.
→ Compliance with regional dynamics
This initiative is fully compliant with the various regional structures in place, which reflect a strong diversity that fit the needs of local industrials. Their work is linked to the heart of local entities and have an impact along the entire TRL scale (level of technological maturity) They are backed for this by academic establishments present locally, as well as by technical centers that allow the technological dissemination to their industrial network on a national scale. This initiative also provides answers to a recurring question: who does what in the French ecosystem? It is an inclusive approach that is intended to bring together all R&D activities on the topic.
→ Support and encourage the development of a French “Metal Additive Manufacturing” industrial sector … And promote it internationally.
Lastly, this national synergistic action on “Metal Additive Manufacturing” has an overarching purpose: supporting existing industrial players and fostering the emergence of new French competitive players at the international level.
This technology, in the long term, is prone to play a leading role in the industry as one of the national cutting-edge manufacturing expertise.
The Various initiatives:
Academia, Research & Technology Centers, regional Technology Transfer Hubs.
These French institutions are teaming up to provide more value. The objective is clearly to promote the development of a network which involves both research and platforms with the pooling of equipment and skills, and thus to facilitate the dissemination and support of SMEs and large groups towards the adoption of Additive Manufacturing technologies.
This is the founding of a strategic, open and communicative group between the different players and all partners of Metal AMS.